In order for SC-1000 to be used in the North Sea additional toxicity testing was needed, therefore GEMTEK Products commissioned Opus Plus Ltd., located in the United Kingdom to conduct aquatic tocixity testing for local species including Skeletonema costatum (algae) and Corophium volutator (mud shrimp).

Skeletonema costatum

Test material SC-1000
Behaviour in seawater Soluble
Preparation method Dilution series
Range finding test period November 30 – December 3, 2012
Provisional 72h EC50 (mg.l) 311.33
Repeat Definitive test period December 11 – 13, 2012
24h EC50 (mg.l) 5.74
48h EC50 (mg.l) 4.55
72h EC50 (mg.1) 18.74
72h EC90 (mg.l) 29.35
NOEC (mg.l) 3.2


Corophium volutator

Test material SC-1000
Behaviour in seawater Soluble
Preparation method December 6 – 17, 2012
10d LC50 ( >16203
10d LC90 ( >16203
10d NOEC ( 1620